Dec 24, 2008

Parting Shots

We needed one more post to include a few more random pictures from the past couple days in Guangzhou!

Leah loves her faux milk. It comes in a "juice box" container and is covered in Chinese characters. We *think* it is like coconut flavored Nestle Quik, but we're not entirely sure. We are worried that we are now out of the stuff and preparing for a long flight home. We sure hope apple juice is an acceptable substitute...

"I know you didn't just say apple juice would be an acceptable replacement..."

This is what happens when you try to tour the spice market during nap time!

And this is what happens when three adopting families stop to get their bearings in the middle of a crowded Chinese pedestrian mall. In just minutes we had a throng of people around us. "Move along people! Nothing to see here!"


  1. Oh wow! You did gather quite a crowd. And what a sweetie! Congratulations!

  2. Oh my goodness...I look like I am screaming in horror! That is too funny!!! :) ha haha....great pics!! :)

  3. I am sure that you are over your jet lag, right? And loving being parents to THREE kids, right??? Then, it's time for an update :)

    Hope your flights home were ok and that Leah is adjusting to life at home..even if it IS in North Carolina!!!

